Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Ode to Barbarians

Have you ever had one of those days, when savagry seems sane?


I scream, I cry. I rage, I bellow. Let my anger fill me and give me strength. Let my blood pump through my veins, quickening my spirit. Let it fill my eyes and blind me to pain. Let it roar in my ears, deafening me to the pleas of my enemies. Let my sword strike fast and true. Let the steel of my spine reinforce the steel in my hands, forging an unbreakable weapon of war.

[as a bonus, here are some poems in honor of R.E. Howard's famous barbarian]

Cimmerian Poetry

Haiku to Crom
Oh! Great mountain god
Heed my cry, warrior’s king
Or to Hel with you

Blood-Lust Lymric
There once was a blade from its holster
That cut you despite of your bolster
It cut oh so smooth
You barely did move
Now your head is lonely for your shoulder

(tremendous apologies to Mr. Howard)