Friday, July 13, 2012

Alpha Flight

With my schedule, I have not really given any one project a lot of attention. So it is with this: a script for an “Alpha Flight” movie.

It began as an intellectual exercise. After catching one of Marvel’s hero films a year or so ago, the wife asked: “If you were to make a film of any comic character/title, what would it be?”


I have long been a fan of Alpha Flight, and have been disappointed by the lack of support the title has received from Marvel. This is most likely due to luke-warm profits (how many Americans want to read about a Canadian superteam?), and I can’t blame a business for cutting losses.

Created by John Byrne, Guardian (Marvel editors renaming the character as Vindicator) first appeared during Byrne’s run on X-Men (April 1979), with the team getting its own book in August 1983 (Byrne used the name Guardian, working the rename into the story).

What I have presented here is a work in progress. A very rough 3-page ‘treatment’ of the script-in-progress, this is my reimagining of the characters and events that led to my favorite team, and some of my favorite characters. I hope you enjoy.

Birth of Guardian, and Alpha Flight.

A Fresh Face

A montage of news clips, fading into news clippings (“Break-In at Am-Can” “Industrial Espionage suspected…” etc.) scattered across a desk, a TV drones in the background (Roxxon Oil purchases Am-Can Petro-Chemical Company facilities at ?).

An attractive young red-headed woman (19-21) sits clipping another article from the daily paper (The Star [Toronto]).

Story takes place almost exclusively in Ottawa, and its surrounding suburbs [Ontario, Canada]. Prologue introduces Heather and James M. (Mac) Hudson; establishes his clash with Jaxon [Exec V-P, Am-Can], departure from Am-Can, and his development of mental response control helmet and software, and mining suit exo-armor. Mac is approached to join Dept. H.

James MacDonald (Mac) Hudson (30ish), a prodigy in engineering, got his B.S. at 17, and holds degrees in computer and electrical engineering, and has done extensive studies of neurology. Mac is about 6 foot, brown eyes, black hair, and clean shaven.

Act One:
Piece of the Establishment

Hudson brought to secret lab under Parliament Hill, Ottowa, tasked with resurrecting Dept. H. (under Department of National Defence (DND), active: 1944-50, 1962-92), introduced to Dr. Langowski, and Dr. Lazarus.

Langowski is a biophysicist; young, tall, and well built (former college football player).

Lazarus is a geneticist, middle age, black hair and beard, well muscled, slightly below average height, secretive and curt. Occasionally drops outdated colloquialisms, but seems unimpressed by even the most advanced equipment. Lazarus seems to be a study of contradictions.

 Their job is to develop a first line defense against super-human threats. Also introduces updated control ‘helmet’

Despite designated program director, not given access to ‘the morgue’, which contains ‘remnants’ from prior incarnations of the Dept.

            Project: ‘Bedlam’ (failed super-soldier)
            Evidence of ties to unknown program “Weapon-X”
            Strange egg. (in cryo; of alien origin [Plodex])
            Original mining suit developed by Mac

Heather, representing Dept. H visits the medical office [at the Sarcee reservation] of one of her college professors, Dr. Twoyoungmen. [picture on desk of young girl (8?); large unadorned wooden box on shelf at eye level]. Formerly a highly revered neurosurgeon, Dr. Twoyoungmen is asked to act as a consultant on an unlabled project Mac has begun reactivating.

A secret organization within a secret organization. Dr. Lazarus is found to be working within ‘the morgue’. Using Dept. H resources and equipment he has begun making hybrid clones from genetic material of the Plodex egg, and “stray” humans (homeless, etc.).

While at Dept. H., Heather finds her way into the morgue, and uncovers Mac’s mining suit. While examining the suit, she is struck from behind.

Act Two:
A New Master

Heather is captured, and Dr. Lazarus smugly states his “immortality”, and lays out his plans for world domination. He straps her to one of the test tables, and departs. His Plodex clones spread out, wrecking havoc throughout Dept. H. Lazarus, wrapped in his new armor and image as “The Master”, walks calmly through the sea of chaos.

Security Chief rallying resistance: Time to fight for the Red and White!

Responding to the alarms, Mac and Walter step out of the office section to see the approaching wave of destruction. The two fall back, formulating a plan.

In executing the plan, Mac and Walter attack the Master, and are soundly defeated. After blasting Mac across the room, the Master collapses the wall and ceiling upon him. Walter is forced back, and pursued by the Plodex clones. He flees down the hall, arriving in his lab; seals the door behind him. Controlling the systems of Dept. H, the Master activates the emergency vent protocols, sucking all air from the lab.

Locked in his lab, Walter is running out of time and air. He is alone, and powerless.

Wounded, Mac struggles to free himself from the wreckage of the lab. With the Plodex clones closing in, he makes his way to his lab, and the newly modified body suit.

Act Three:

Final Fight. To rescue Heather, Mac dons his modified suit. Believing Mac dead, Walter undergoes his process with surprising results. While they tag-team the Master, Heather frees herself, and joins the fight against the plodex clones by donning her helmet and climbing into James old mining harness.

With the Master defeated (dead, with body recovered), our heroes limp home, lick their wounds.

Additions to the team

In light of recent events, Department H is given a new, narrower, directive: create a super team. In addition to Guardian and Sasquatch, and a lead on a plodex living in seclusion, the ranks are bolstered when Dr. Twoyoungmen introduces the group to a ‘special’ young woman.

Sasquatch: [grinning, looks at Guardian] Any other leads?

Guardian: [a hint of a grin touches the corner of his mouth] A couple.

Camera pans and closes on some folders on Guardian’s desk:

Beaubier, J-M; Beaubier, J-P; Crawley-Jeffries, L.; Dibney, K.; Judd, E.; Killgrave, Z.


Credits disolve into dark water that lightens as the camera is lifted to shallower depths. As the camera breaks the surface, we see the shore about 200 yards away. The shore juts out, and is marked by a quaint lighthouse. Beyond the house are thick woods stretching as far as the eye can see. A ‘girl’ (16ish) breaks the surface. Her skin is a soft yellow bordering on green; her hair is a dark green, almost black, and cut short; and her eyes are pure black, shiny. She blinks [dual lids?], and turns to the shore, where a young man is walking towards the water. They wave to each other, and we see her fingers are long, slender, and have webbing between them [webbing recedes as hand lifts from the water].

Suddenly, she freezes, and looks over her shoulder, back to sea.

Masters voice: Come.

[fade to black]

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